27/7 - 18/8 2024

Kamer Negen- K9, Rixensart

Autour de la Musique

Pierre Berthet & Rie Nakajima - Jean-Yves Bosseur & André Lambotte - John Cage - Louis Daliers - Bénédicte Davin & Maren Dubnick - Raymond Delepierre - Florence Fréson - Tom Johnson - Marc Louwers - Baudouin Oosterlynck - Michael Schumacher

4/4 - 1/9 2024

Centrale for Contemporary Art, Brussels


At a time when the CENTRALE will be undergoing a major transformation of its spaces, Maren Dubnick reactivates the original function of the site, with the aim of offering a social and historical tour of what the Centrale électrique once was. Through an installation that will be installed in the CENTRALE.vitrine, the artist takes a look at the changing uses of electricity and their impact on contemporary society.
Curator: Clementine Davin

28/4 - 1/7 2023

ISELP, Brussels

Là où je me terre

Léa Belooussovitch – Olivia Boudreau – Maren Dubnick – Jean-Maxime Dufresne & Virginie Laganière – Bruno Goosse – Harold Lechien – Katherine Longly – Charlotte Lybeer – Léa Mayer & Maëlle Maisonneuve – Set & Chloé
Curator: Melanie Rainville

14/1 - 5/2 2023

Kamer Negen - K9, Rixensart

Maren Dubnick - Sabine Oosterlynck

17/11 2022- 7/1 2023

Centre Le Delta, Namur

Sans vue, cent perceptions

On the occasion of Eqla's 100th anniversary

1/9 2021 - 13/2 2022


Invited Artist

20/2- 25/4 21
Maison des Arts
FIL - 9 artists working with textile

Hélène de Gottal, Maren Dubnick, Alice Leens, Ethel Lilienfeld, Erwan Mahéo, Asia Nyembo, Elise Peroi, Chiharu Shiota, José María Sicilia

4/9 - 1/10/20
Chapel of Laken Cemetary
'Opening and revaluing the Heritage'

For the first time, the City of Brussels is organising an exhibition of contemprary art at the Laeken cemetery. The German artist Maren Dubnick exhibits there. Her work refers to the stained-glass window in the church of Louis de Contini on which the three Moirai goddesses from ancient mythology are depicted. "The window depicts the passage of time, which is also a central theme in my work."